Thursday, January 3, 2013

Cunning, don't you think?

I finally did something and finished it! I have been doing owl hats like mad for the last couple months, and I finally finished a Jayne Cobb hat. It took forever and there is a reason for that. You know how the pom-pom incident ended up? Well here is what happened: I bought the plastic pom-pom makers from Joann's. They are probably the best investment I have ever made in my life. It made these things so easy. It cost me about 7 bucks to get both of these

I almost cried in relief when the pom-pom came out and it was usable and nice. I thought it would absolutely be a train wreck again, but it wasn't. So now I have a nice little hat to give to someone such as a brother or cousin, or another Browncoat like myself who will like it. ^.^

My goal is to write a Knight Helm pattern and possibly sell it on Etsy since every other pattern is not "permission to sell" that I like. I want to sell them and my little brother would love one since he is like 23 and a nerd like that. So I might need to good pattern testers if anyone would like to suggest or point in my direction when I get the pattern finished.

I hope that I can get some of my yearly goals accomplished. I am trying very hard to be good and I am thinking I might actually succeed if I can just get myself started. It is the getting started part that is the problem with this whole plan. 

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