Monday, September 16, 2013

The Skull Shawl

As you can see, I was a busy girl. I was going through Ravelry when I found the pattern to make this shawl. I was super excited that I was able to get my lovely self to work on something this wonderful. It took me about 4 hours to make this shawl. I am planning on making this into a blanket for a friend of mine instead of a shawl. It should be entertaining to see if I can get it on etsy since I have been busy with life changes. Lately, I haven't really been into the whole craft thing because I have been stressing about paying for our move, but I am coming up with some different ideas. I might start a raffle for something if I can get some things made just to get started somewhere new.

Other than that, my newer job has my stress level at a low I haven't seen since I quit fast food. I am enjoying working night shift again since I usually sleep better during the day and twelve hour shifts are WONDERFUL! I have more days off and I can work on things more since I am trying to get through my yarn collection again. I might post more pictures of things I get done once I get my lovely house back in order after having a house full of people. There may even be another new project here soon!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Moving! I am MOVING!

I know it has been a while since I have written a blog entry, but I have been very busy with work and getting the house together. I really haven’t had time to get ANY of my crafts together or finish them either. I feel so guilty because I don’t have anything for you people to see that I have created.

That being said, some excited news on the front of all of our hard work. My husband got a new job! He recently graduated with his Bachelor’s in Network Security and Forensics, so this new job will bring him the ability to move up in the company so he can use his degree. The only problem is that we are going to have to move over three hours away from our location at the moment to the wonderful Metropolitan of Nashville! Yes Nashville TN! I am super excited about it. There are so many places I can visit and see in Nashville that it will make a wonderful new home for me and my possible children. We cannot afford to have them at the moment. Heck, we cannot even afford to movethere really but we are going to have to in order for him to get his life setup.

Once we are out there, I can start looking at houses. And once we have a house, he said we can discuss the possibility of trying to have children! That is a plus right?