Monday, September 16, 2013

The Skull Shawl

As you can see, I was a busy girl. I was going through Ravelry when I found the pattern to make this shawl. I was super excited that I was able to get my lovely self to work on something this wonderful. It took me about 4 hours to make this shawl. I am planning on making this into a blanket for a friend of mine instead of a shawl. It should be entertaining to see if I can get it on etsy since I have been busy with life changes. Lately, I haven't really been into the whole craft thing because I have been stressing about paying for our move, but I am coming up with some different ideas. I might start a raffle for something if I can get some things made just to get started somewhere new.

Other than that, my newer job has my stress level at a low I haven't seen since I quit fast food. I am enjoying working night shift again since I usually sleep better during the day and twelve hour shifts are WONDERFUL! I have more days off and I can work on things more since I am trying to get through my yarn collection again. I might post more pictures of things I get done once I get my lovely house back in order after having a house full of people. There may even be another new project here soon!

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