For those of you who have missed your periods, you know how the waiting game is played. Some of us play it differently than others, but it is still the waiting game none the less.
A portion of us miss one period and are like "Eh, it is just one. It happens to all of us." and then go on with their lives like normal. They don't worry about it, they don't think about it, and they don't even try to think they are pregnant, even if they are like clockwork.
Some of us, like me, are OCD about it. I mark my calender, I count my days, and I even map how heavy my flow is on the days I have my period. I am like a clock you could always count on my friend to show up on time with a grand old cramp filled day. My husband can even tell when I am about to start. So, when my period was over a week late, I became a little concerned.
Now, some of you are like "Oh one week isn't so bad." and honestly, I thought that too. It has happened once before, and quite frankly I would have brushed it off if I had not started to feel sick to my stomach about Thursday. It has continued most of the weekend, and I even took a pregnancy test. It was negative, and when I went to the doctor the urine test there also said negative. However, I asked him to do a blood test just to be on the safe side. None of the other normal symptoms are coming up, and it is still technically early since it is only thirteen days, but I cannot help but FEEL like I am pregnant. I mean, I am trying to not psych myself up because it would be wonderful, but the waiting game is not kind to me at all. I think it is making my stomach is worse. I will be happy either way, because even though my husband and I cannot afford to have a child at this point, it would be wonderful that we get to have one when we thought that we could not get one you know?
Here is to hoping they call me tomorrow, or the urine test my husband picked up from the drug store says positive in the morning. However, for those of you who have been pregnant out there, I want to ask a few questions:
Did you burp more than normal? I have been burping up like CRAZY and it has been relieving some of the queasy feelings in my stomach briefly.
Where there dull cramps? Some people say they have felt it, but I want more people to tell me that it is okay.
How soon was your back pain? I am heavier, so I am not sure about the whole back pain being from that or work just stressing it out
Did foods taste different? I ate a strawberry and it tasted so funny, like it had fermented.
I may just be paranoid, but I just wanted to make sure. Now, off to try and get my anxious self to relax before I fall asleep
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