Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Family of Owls

At some point last week, I stumbled across this while surfing I have never done a hat before ever in my life, so I decided to at least attempt it. The only issue I had was no one I knew had a newborn. They were all older kids, toddlers, or almost a year old. So I decided to modify it a little bit. Now, keep in mind I am a newlywed, and my husband told me when I moved in that I cannot buy any yarn till I used most of what I had in the house. He is indulgent when I start a blanket and then don't finish it or when I show him a craft book I want he usually just smiles at me and nods before asking if I can wait till I finish what I start first. I am looking for various projects to use up the large amounts of dark colors that seemed to have bred while in boxes these past couple of years while I was working way too much. Now, since I do not have any newborns, I figured I would just add two HDCs and make it 14 instead of 12. This made it so the counts were in multiples of 7 instead of 6. It seemed to actually work out okay. I don't exactly know what size head it will fit, but I followed the pattern the rest of the way till ended up with this little owl.
At the point I finished this one, my husband had arrived home from work. He was curious and I set out all the pieces to show him what it would look like once I sewed it all together. He was really impressed, though I don't know if it was about me finishing something or the fact I was doing something crafty. Once I was done with that one I made these lovely little creatures.
The last two I started with 16 HDCs and in multiples of 8 and adding a couple of rows which fit a 10 year old boy's head just fine. There was only one issue that I had and that is putting all the eyes and ears on. I ended up making it look something like this when I put the bigger ones together
However, I tried something different on the last two and now you can see they look much cleaner.
I am actually quite proud of myself. I might make more of these with Christmas coming up and I can even make other animals if I want once I get the pattern for a cat or dog or maybe even a frog figured out! I know I can maybe look online for those, but I think it is more fun making up your own. Now I shall figure out who to give my family of owls too while I try to make more.

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